Ellie Goulding: il video di “Army”

Ellie Goulding: il video di “Army”

Da oggi è in rotazione radiofonica “Army”, il nuovo singolo di Ellie Goulding estratto dall’album “Delirium”, pubblicato il 6 novembre 2015.

Questo emozionante brano che Ellie ha dedicato alla sua migiore amica Hannah, è accompagnato da un videoclip girato in bianco e nero.

When I’m with you, I’m standing with an army.

Quando sono con te, sto in piedi con un esercito.

Guarda il video di “Army” cantata dal vivo presso gli Abbey Road Studios di Londra (guarda qui).

“Army” – Testo (Lyrics) e Cover (Singolo)

[Verse 1]
I know that I’ve been messed up
You never let me give up
All the nights and the fights
And the blood and the breakups
You’re always there to call up
I’m a pain, I’m a child, I’m afraid
But yeah, you understand
Yeah like no one can
I know that we don’t look like much
But no one fucks it up like us

[Verse 2]
16 and you never even judged me
Matter of fact I always thought you were too cool for me
Sitting there in the caravan
All the nights we’ve been drunk on the floor
And yeah you understand
Yeah like no one can
We both know what they say about us
But they don’t stand a chance because

When I’m with you
When I’m with you
I’m standing with an army
I’m standing with an army
When I’m with you
When I’m with you
I’m standing with an army
Standing with an army

[Verse 3]
Dark times, you can always find the bright side
I’m amazed by the things that you would sacrifice
Just to be there for me
How you cringe when you sing out of tune
And yeah it’s everything
So don’t change a thing
We both know what they say about us
But they don’t stand a chance because

When I’m with you
When I’m with you
I’m standing with an army
I’m standing with an army
When I’m with you
When I’m with you
I’m standing with an army
Standing with an army

Standing with an army
Standing with an army
Standing with an army
Standing with an army
(I’ll be yours)
Standing with an army
Standing with an army
I’m standing with an army

Yeah you understand
Yeah like no one can
We both know what they say about us

When I’m with you
When I’m with you
I’m standing with an army
I’m standing with an army
When I’m with you
When I’m with you
I’m standing with an army
They don’t have a chance either

Standing with an army
Standing with an army
Standing with an army
Standing with an army
Standing with an army
Standing with an army
Standing near you
Standing with an army
Standing with an army
Standing with an army
Standing with an army
Standing with an army
Standing with an army
When I’m with you
Standing with an army

Army - Ellie Goulding (Cover)

Circa l'autore

Tony Musicali

Musicante a metà. Sono nato sulla Terra in Italia ma, adesso vivo sulla Luna. In compagnia della mia radio, osservo, ascolto e seguo tutto quello che accade nel mondo della Musica. Quelli che vivono di questa meravigliosa arte, sono davvero tanti e seguirli tutti è davvero un’ardua impresa. A chiunque canti o suoni, a chiunque abbia inciso un nuovo disco o realizzato un video, sappi che appena possibile, parlerò anche di te! Parola di Tony Musicali


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