Lady Leshurr: online il nuovo video “Where Are You Now?” ft. Wiley

Lady Leshurr: online il nuovo video “Where Are You Now?” ft. Wiley

Lady Lashurr ha pubblicato online il video officiale di “Where Are You Now?”, il nuovo singolo cantato con Wiley, rilasciato il 6 luglio.

A pochi mesi dalla pubblicazione del singolo #Unleshed, che ha fatto da apripista al suo album di debutto di prossima uscita, la cantante, rapper e producer britannica ci propone questo nuovo singolo in cui si avvale della collaborazione del rapper e produttore londinese Wiley noto anche come Eski, fondatore e pioniere del genere musicale underground Grime.

Il colorato video che accompagna il brano, è stato diretto da Carly Cussen e prodotto da Michael Angelo.


“Where Are You Now?” – Testo (Lyrics) e Cover (Singolo)

Verse 1
Can’t see you anywhere
Rude girl stay over there
Or I’ll put you back like hair
You are not quite There
Oh well it’s unfair
You’ll get Air
When I’m in the building you come out
When I’m on stage it gets shut down
When I walk in you best look down
Fire alie gets Bun down
Everyone knows I’m the talk of the town
Everyone know when I’m walking in town
OMG is that Lesha make them fall to the ground

Where are you now Cus I can’t see ya
Where are you now I wouldn’t wanna be ya
Where are you now Cus I can’t see ya
Where are you now I wouldn’t wanna be ya

Where are you now? x8

Verse 2
Where are ya kid?
I’m like wait where are you kid
You fell off now your arm is ripped
Attention army ting
Look you was on top
Then you just flopped
You thought you was gonna blow up you was gassed got popped
Look You’re so late widit
I said you’re so late widit
I’m on top and you’re Hating it
And You look like 86 years old
I get paid to spit
Heard your stuff ain’t rating it
Your boyfriends was staring me down
Now he’s on my phone like where are you now

Where are you now Cus I can’t see ya
Where are you now I wouldn’t wanna be ya x2

Where are you now? x8

Verse 3 – Wiley
Where are you now cos any time I speak that’s news
See man on the 6 o’clock news
I got choices so I can choose
I got a shop and we sell sports shoes
and Im in control when man cruise
my dj on the 1s /& 2s
aim for the 6 but still got views
any time I speak that’s news
any time I speak that’s doodoodoodadada
any time I speak that’s tiger tiger
done with the shoulda coulda doodoodoodoodadada
Wiley I’m getting them hyper hyper
doing this thing since MC Creepin’
doing this thing since Pied Piper
and I know tandem in jail doing 5 doing 10 down 15s and I know lifers

I mean
Where are ya man
You was on top of your game son
Now I can’t even see ya
You fell off you have
Where are you now!


Circa l'autore

Tony Musicali

Musicante a metà. Sono nato sulla Terra in Italia ma, adesso vivo sulla Luna. In compagnia della mia radio, osservo, ascolto e seguo tutto quello che accade nel mondo della Musica. Quelli che vivono di questa meravigliosa arte, sono davvero tanti e seguirli tutti è davvero un’ardua impresa. A chiunque canti o suoni, a chiunque abbia inciso un nuovo disco o realizzato un video, sappi che appena possibile, parlerò anche di te! Parola di Tony Musicali


Funny Little Fears - Damiano David (Cover)





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